Dear EFT Trainer, Head of Institute,
We are proud to announce that the conference website, created by the University of Strathclyde, is live and open for registration!
We are inviting you to sign up now for both Trainer Meeting & Conference by following this link:
Please make sure the people who have been nominated by you to attend the Trainers’ Meeting will receive the invitation from the board and the draft programattached.
I also enclose the conference flyer to share with the public. People who want to sign up for the conference, can use this link: or visit the ISEFT website:
Les, Robert, Jeanne, Rhonda and Juliette
Invitation Trainers Meeting [.pdf click here to see file…]
Draft program Trainer Meeting-v2 [.pdf click here to see file…]
Digital-Online flyer ISEFT Conference 2019 [.pdf click here to see file…]